Detail of S&P - Amazon $750 Gift Card - US

S&P - Amazon $750 Gift Card - US ( active )

S&P - Amazon $750 Gift Card - US
  • Vertical:
  • S&P - Amazon $750 Gift Card - US
  • Countries:
  • United States
  • Traffic Types:
  • ------
  • Price Format:
  • cpa ( Base )

    Users can enter their email for a chance to get a $750 Amazon Gift Card! Offer converts on email submit. No pop traffic can be sent directly to the merchant's lander. If you are sending pop traffic please submit a prelander for approval. Pop traffic must negative match Restrictions: Cannot use the words – free, win, won, winner, claim, etc. in your ad copy, domain, verbiage, etc to promote this campaign. Any leads generated with the use of these words will not be paid for. There is a cap of 300/day per publisher. No new pubs can go live on the weekend, or increase traffic without seeking permission from your Affiliate Manager beforehand. No YouTube traffic Search Restrictions Restrictions: Cannot use the words – free, win, won, winner, claim, etc. in your ad copy, domain, verbiage, etc to promote this campaign. Any leads generated with the use of these words will not be paid for.