Detail of Glucotil - Blood Sugar - SS - VSL - US

Glucotil - Blood Sugar - SS - VSL - US ( active )

Glucotil - Blood Sugar - SS - VSL - US
  • Vertical:
  • Glucotil - Blood Sugar - SS - VSL - US
  • Countries:
  • United States
  • Traffic Types:
  • ------
  • Price Format:
  • cpa ( Base )

    Glucotil - Blood Sugar - SS - VSL & TSL Page Available • Allowed Geos: USA Only • Demographics: 45+ Male and Female • Restriction: NO SEO to VSL, No Rebrokering, No incent, No co-reg. No SMS, No Brand Bidding ; • Important: Affiliates may NOT use words such as "fraud", "scam" or similar terminology in their promotions including but not limited to, Ad content, landing pages, video titles, written content, images, or other metadata;