Detail of 2522 - Atopic Dermatitis (Eczema)

2522 - Atopic Dermatitis (Eczema) ( active )

2522 - Atopic Dermatitis (Eczema)
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  • 2522 - Atopic Dermatitis (Eczema)
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    Live Geos: Ages: 18 - 75 Gender: All Reach: 16% of the US population ONLY COMPENSATION THAT CAN BE LISTED: Participants who qualify for the study will receive trial-related procedures and study medication at no cost. Study Description: The purpose of this clinical study is to see whether an investigational injectable medication can help to treat symptoms of moderate to severe Atopic Dermatitis (eczema). You may qualify to participate if you were diagnosed with Atopic Dermatitis at least 1 year ago and are currently experiencing symptoms. You may be asked to attend an initial screening visit to determine if you’re eligible to enroll in the study. If enrolled, you will be randomly selected to receive 2 injections of either the study medication or a placebo. Total participation will last approximately 7 months with 16 doctor’s visits throughout the study. Participants who qualify for the study will receive trial-related procedures and study medication at no cost. The site staff can provide you with additional details. - Must be diagnosed with eczema for one year or longer - Must be currently experiencing a current flare of eczema - Eczema must cover 10% or more of your body - Have to be using an injectable medication for your eczema